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The TCA Peel brings about a significant improvement in skin rejuvenation. In this procedure a chemical peeling agent TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) is applied to the skin. Application of the peeling solution on the skin initiates the peeling process and causes the top most skin (dead layer of skin) to slowly peel off. In a few weeks a healthier skin replaces the old skin. This procedure is one of the safest available for skin rejuvenation, however, medical treatment is not an exact science and the degree of improvement is variable. For maximum improvement patients may need more than one TCA Peel or other procedures.


  • Individuals with pigment irregularity over the entire face.

  • Individuals with sun spots or “liver spots.”

  • Individuals with fine wrinkling.



More uniform skin tone and improvement of fine and moderately deep wrinkles.

Skin that is clear of sun spots and “liver spots.”

Improved self image.



The suitability of chemical peel for an individual is determined during the office consultation. All procedures have risks. Minor complications occur occasionally. Major complications are quite rare.


Problems Addressed: Pigment Irregularity, Sun Spots, Fine & Deep Wrinkles

Depth: Superficial Reticular Dermis

Anesthesia Requirement: IV sedation or regional blocks

Days of Peeling: 8-12


What to Expect at your Consultation

Drs. Perrotta and Luppens will devote as much time as necessary to discuss your individual goals and needs with you. After a focused physical examination, your surgeon will provide preliminary recommendations and explain what you can expect from surgery.

Once your surgeon determines his surgical plan, our aesthetic coordinator will produce a written quote, which lists all costs of your proposed surgery so that there are no surprises. At that time, an appointment is set for your pre-op visit. 


Pre-Op Visit

Much is covered during your pre-op visit. First, one of our highly trained medical assistants will take pre-op photos. Next, your surgeon will explain the surgical technique to you and thoroughly inform you as to what you can expect, including any potential complications. Note that all procedures involve some risk, but major complications are rare. Dr. Perrotta or Dr. Luppens will then obtain a more complete medical history from you and perform a final pre-op physical examination, including a check of your vital functions to ensure that you are physically fit for surgery. All informed consents for surgery will be filled out at this appointment and final payments are due at this time.  You will be notified 24 hours prior to your surgery with your arrival time.



For optimal results, patients should be on Retin-A and Hydroquinone for at least three weeks prior to a chemical peel. The Retin-A thins the keratin layer of skin and thereby ensures a deep and more uniform penetration of the peel. Retin-A should be discontinued three days prior to the peel and restarted three weeks after the peel. The Hydroquinone lowers the risk of pigment irregularities following the peel, which is critically important for individuals with darker skin. Hydroquinone should be discontinued the day before the peel and restarted two weeks after the peel.

Patients with a history of fever blisters should start a prophylactic anti-viral medication prior to the day of the procedure. On the morning of the procedure, the patient should thoroughly wash her/his face and refrain from applying any kind of cream or make-up.


The Procedure

First, we apply IV sedation, if needed.  We cleanse the face of all make-up and natural oils. Next, we apply regional blocks, if needed. We then use a marking pen to divide the face into aesthetic units. Next we apply one or more passes (coats) of the peel. The entire process takes twenty to thirty minutes. Cold packs and fanning are used as needed.


Post-Op Recovery

The skin is pink for several weeks. The pink hue could be covered with make-up. Two weeks following the peel, all patients should start re-applying hydroquinone cream. Three weeks following the peel, all patients, except those with Rosacea, should resume re-applying Retin-A.

Rosacea patients should select a different form of exfoliant. To maintain the beautiful results of a chemical peel, we advise patients to start or continue a skin care program approved by their plastic surgeon.

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